PROGRAM: [Across Lite]
PROGRAM: [Adobe Acrobat]

This puzzle is another classic I'm re-running. Hope Time Out doesn't care. Or the solvers. I guess I'll know if I see people burning effigies of myself.
Speaking of rerunning Time Out puzzles: I am pleased to announce that I'm yet another person in the long line of bloggers who transformed their blog into a book deal. The superstars over at Sterling will be compiling the greatest hits from my 15 month stint at Time Out New York and we'll be filling in the gaps with work from this here blog. It's title: "Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll Crosswords." Guaranteed to offend, or at the very least throw a shock into the puzzling system. It's due to drop in the fall of 2010. (2010? Doesn't that sound like a lifetime away? Is that really next year? When did we suddenly get to all these science fiction-sounding years?) Anyway, I'm psyched. You should be too.
By the way: I'm still negotiating the line in the contract that says I'm supposed to overdose just before the book's published in order to drum up some cheap sales. I'll let you know how that one goes.
And, I'll let you know how the movie rights go as well (negotiations have begun). We're pretty sure we can get Don Cheadle on board to play me.
Okay, enjoy this one (those who've never seen it before). New one on Wednesday, I swear! D.C. peeps: hit me up and let's party. Liz and I will be down there starting tonight.