PROGRAM: [Across Lite]
PROGRAM: [Adobe Acrobat]

- Where'd the time go? We're less than a week away from Ryan and Brian's Lollapuzzoola, it's this Saturday to be specific. For those not already in the know, this is quickly becoming the second-best crossword tournament behind the ACPT. As I've mentioned before I'll be going; that's because I have a puzzle in this tournament! I've test solved them all, and can vouch this a fun batch. Like Ryan and Brian themselves, there is an emphasis on humor and theatricality. Should be a blast. From what I can gather, a lot of the puzzling world's superstars (Northeast corridor division) will be in the house as well. If you're thinking you probably can't run with the big boys, have no fear: solving phenom Tyler "Usain Bolt" Hinman won't be competing at the event, so that just opens the door for another champion. Click here for more details and to sign up.
- Other puzzlemakers have taken up the Rex/Gaffs/me challenge of making their very own HATCHET MAN puzzle. As of this posting there are two for your solving pleasure here. Especially worth mentioning is that Joon Pahk, one of my "behind the scenes" men for the blog, has contributed one.
And finally, here's another installment of the on-going photo essay Fan of the Moment in BEQ T-shirt. That lovely lass to the right is Kelly Reidy of Kent, OH. Ms. Reidy is studying Physics at Kent State and performs in her own acoustic band Plug-In Reindeer. (Great band name, BTW.) From the photograph, I'm guessing this is not the campus of Kent State. If it wasn't for that house in the background, my guess would be that she's stranded on some sort of tropical island somewhere. It's pretty damn important to look good when stranded on a tropical island, I think. My hope is if I'm stranded on an dessert island I 'm wearing my "Carcetti For Mayor" t-shirt, which is why it's the only shirt I wear to the airport.
Anyway, just for showing her brave/insane/proud fandom, Kelly will receive a copy of the "Diagramless Book." (Interested shoppers can pre-order the book in the Store on your right.)
- Share the puzzle. New one on Wednesday.