PROGRAM: [Across Lite]
PROGRAM: [Adobe Acrobat]

Well I can start with going over the results from last Friday's contest. Clever solvers who finished the last blog puzzle found the following riddle: WHAT CATCHER'S / LAST NAME IS MADE / OF THE LAST NAMES / OF AN MLB MANAGER / AND AN ACTRESS? The manager in question was L.A. Dodgers skipper Joe Torre and the actress is bombshell Jessica Alba. And when their Wondertwins Powers activate, they take the form of Colordo Rockies catcher Yorvit TORREALBA. 101 out of the 103 entrants got the answer correct, and the results are in: Avram Gottschlich, Angela Harris and Tom McCormick are recipients of my latest book "Diagramless Crosswords." Congrats to all. (If you didn't win, feel free to get your own copy in my store to the right).
Finally, just wanted to say that if you enjoyed the puzzles from this month, and you have a little bit of extra money, any contribution would be helpful for keeping running smoothly, independently, and fiercely thumbing its nose at conventional puzzling. As a way of saying thank you, I will send a free t-shirt of their choosing to one lucky donor who contributes this week.
Share the puzzle. New one on Wednesday.
UPDATE: Kissing Suzy Kolber chimed in, too funny.