PROGRAM: [Across Lite]
PROGRAM: [Adobe Acrobat]
- Back and rested. The holidaze were good, thanks for asking. Sort of late on this photo but whatever: thats me up there just before York City thrashed Mansfield 3-0 on Boxing Day. Stood behind goal with 4000 other football lunatics, they hadn't filed in yet as evidenced by the seas of empty seats. Good times, overall (football and otherwise).
- Speaking of late: I got this link over the weekend, so I thought I'd post it now. My Visual Thesaurus puzzle went up last week. Better late than never, right? Do it: here.
- To be filed under the "Whoa" department: rest in peace Dan Naddor. I first noticed Dan's puzzles when I restarted doing the L.A. Times crosswords mid 09. It was kind of hard to miss him, he appeared pretty much every week. Never got a chance to meet him, but I remember he pinch-hit for Amy one day on her Crossword Fiend blog and spoke rather highly of my crossword. Dan died of complications from cancer treatment last Tuesday. He will be missed.
- Heads up: we're only six weeks from Valentine's Day, so if you're thinking of giving your loved one a custom puzzle, talk to me.
- Thanks to all who were able to give in last month's drive. Dr. William Jent of Austin, Texas wins the gift item.