PROGRAM: [Across Lite]
PROGRAM: [Adobe Acrobat]

Changing the topic, good ole' BEQ appeared in the news once again yesterday. It's in Tim Kurkjian's article about Web Gems in the latest issue of ESPN the Magazine. Course my name was written in code. And by "code" I mean it was just the date of the New York Times crossword that yours truly wrote that had the entry WEB GEMS in it. Let's get to it:
"The clue to 14 Down in the New York Times crossword puzzle on Nov. 11, 2006 is 'Baseball Tonight segment featuring day's best defensive plays,'" said Burch. "The answer is Web Gems. I knew it was legitimate then. That crossword is framed in my house."
Gotta first accentuate the positive: at least Will Shortz didn't get all the credit for that one. This might be the first time Will's name wasn't mentioned in connection with the Times crossword. But, come on people, acknowledge the writer, will ya?
Back when I made that puzzle, my old roommate and I had this almost nightly routine. After he'd get off work waiting tables, we'd meet at the local for a nightcap, and then saunter back for Baseball Tonight highlights. Mike (still is) was a massive baseball nut, and so since we were roommates, that meant I followed baseball by extension. I'm not much for sitting through a whole nine innings, but the highlights were entertaining. Must have thought WEB GEMS was a winning entry while watching that show. Hence: that puzzle. Gotta love that AQUARIA and AQUATIC crossing in the NW. Sheesh.
Share the puzzle. New one on Friday.