PROGRAM: [Across Lite]
PROGRAM: [Adobe Acrobat]
Last Friday's puzzle seemed to be straightforward enough. I said there were three obvious themed entries: GENERAL MILLS, BANG FOR ONE'S BUCK, and PATRICK BERRY, and that "the fourth member of that particular group is hidden elsewhere in another answer." And when I said "group," I meant "[rock] group." You see, the last words in each of the theme answers are the last names of the members of R.E.M. You might recognize that band from your crosswording in such clues as {"The ___ Love" (R.E.M. hit)} and {R.E.M. vocalist Michael}. Speaking of Michael, he was hidden in 19-Down STIPEND, which was the answer to this contest. I might have joked about making a puzzle with this theme (sort of) back in February, but I was just spouting nonsense then. Whatever, it pays to pay attention to the ramblings. Today's verbal diarrhea is tomorrow's theme.
A couple people chimed in to mention that they were stymied with the title ("Georgia on My Mind") and the fact that the "Crossword Jesus" in the puzzle (PATRICK BERRY) lives in Georgia. I believe they were looking for other GA-related things in the puzzle. Fun Patrick Berry fact: he lives in Athens, the very same town R.E.M. hails from, and within spitting distance of Weaver D's, the restaurant that spawned the title for R.E.M.'s album "Automatic For the People." (Stalkers: take note!)
Although he did get it right, this incorrect answer is also worth mentioning. Pete Rimkus of Ashford, CT writes: "Finally got it ... That's after using both Bing and Google and finding out that General MILLS teamed up with PillsBURY and actually created something known as 'Millsberry Bucks.' What are the odds a BEQ puzzle would celebrate breakfast cereal ... so I kept looking." Breakfast cereal. There's a theme in there, methinks.
Okay on to the eye-catching contest entries. Chicagoland's Amy Reynaldo displayed some HTML skills, while Crooklyn's own Ken Stern sent me a singing telegram. Nice job, guys.
We also had a few aspiring puzzlemakers too. Chris Battey, of Parts Unknown, entered the contest with his own cryptic-style clue: {Tricky way to use cash money for living expenses (7)}. Not to be outdone, AppleJack1963, also from Parts Unknown, sent this cryptic clue: {Hint in lower-right corner of the grid leads to "Radio Song" singer (5)}. I think that clues STIPE, not STIPEND, but, whatever. Lastly, Jeff Dubner, also from Parts Unknown, sent in a whole crossword (!) as his entry. Do it here: [Across Lite] [PDF]. Jeff knows how to butter me up by referencing the Pavement song about R.E.M. in his title (listen to it here). What is up with all the people of Parts Unknown and puzzle writing? Must be something in the water.
Have I mentioned that I got a few deliveries? In my post on Friday, I joked that someone should order me a pizza and send their entry that-a-way. Eric Maddy of Huntington Beach, CA, did just that. Here's the receipt:
I will admit it was slightly difficult to eat the pizza cuz my jaw was on the floor over that one. But have no fear, I was able to eat it.
Equally surprising was that Kurt Krauss of Columbus, OH, sent my wife flowers. (That's her displaying her approval of said entry to the right) Kurt writes: "Liz, This is for you. I don't know how you put with BEQ. You must be a saint." Kurt, let me assure you, she most definitely is. Henceforth, my wife will be referred to as "St. Liz."
But despite St. Liz's best efforts of convincing me that Kurt deserved the prize for most creative entry, the one I was most impressed with came from Eric Peterson, also of Parts Unknown from Fort Lauderdale, FL. His entry was the brilliant send-up of the album cover for "Reckoning" that appeared above this here recap of the contest. The leap from "R.E.M." to "B.E.Q." is priceless. Thanks, Eric. I liked your entry so much, I'm going to be offering the "Reckoning" parody t-shirts in the souvenir shoppe, uh, shortly.
Oh, the winner of the regular contest is Brian Kulman. Congrats to Brian and Eric. And thanks to all who competed.
Share the puzzle. New one on Friday.