PROGRAM: [Crossword Solver]
PROGRAM: [Adobe Acrobat]
PROGRAM: [Across Lite]
Why is this significant from a crossword standpoint? His new name is 15 letters! And of course you knew that I had to debut it at 8-Down today. (You can thank me for those free 15 letters later.) But even more importantly, Ron-Ron's new first name (the first 5-letters) is the gift that keeps on giving. All are common letters. All are fluid letters. That is to say, they are beyond perfect for puzzles! Expect to see this one in crosswordese forever and ever (Amen).
I've got goosebumps just thinking about this.
Changing gears here for a minute: this is the last week that you can get the bonus 21x themeless. So if you've been dragging your feet on this one, you've got until the end of the day Thursday and then it's gone forever. Huge thanks to all who've picked it up already, and doubly huge thanks to all who e-mailed me either their solving times and/or their experiences with solving it. Also, huge thanks to all who sent a brief note along with the PayPal payment. All of these have meant a lot to me. Lastly, thanks to Matt Gaffney who plugged this bonus themeless on his website. Matt's giving away a copy this week and next, so I guess that's the other way to get a copy. But I digress. Read more about it here. Act now or live with regrets for the rest of your life.
Share the puzzle. New one on Thursday.