PROGRAM: [Crossword Solver]
PROGRAM: [Adobe Acrobat]
PROGRAM: [Across Lite]
And oh yeah, before we attack this abbreviated Q&A, Peter requested that any and all parties out there interested in what he has to say, please sign up to his Twitter feed. "I'd like to get my real person/pornbot follower ratio a little more in harmony," says Peter. And there you have it. Let's do this.
BEQ: You realize that 1-Across is going to piss off a lot of people, don't you?
Peter: Probably... but I feel like this will evoke the good kind of hate. Not the ERIC DANE type of hate... whose Hollywood star, admittedly, has yet to reach the heights of Edie Falco and Elke Sommer.
BEQ: So whatcha been up to lately?
Peter: Oh, it's been the same old thing for me - architecture school and ultimate frisbee eat up most of my time. Luckily I like both of those things and the people I know from both of those things a lot, so it's all good times. I'd be interested to find out if anyone else fits into the architecture/ultimate/crossword Venn diagram. We'd probably have sort of "Highlander" situation on our hands if so.
BEQ: What's the similarities and differences with Architecture and puzzlemaking?
Peter: Both definitely involve "constructing" of a sort. Depending on how far you wanted to stretch the definitions, the similarities could include things like arranging space and structure, addressing multiple design issues simultaneously, and trying to create the best possible experience for the solver/visitor. Though learning to become an architect has (so far) been a three year odyssey of sleepless nights in studio and student loan debt, while I mostly learned to cruciverb from skimming the Wordplay companion book and piddling around on Crossword Compiler for a few weeks. OK, maybe a little longer than that, but still.
BEQ: Do you have Cam Newton-mania down there (Raleigh, NC)?
Peter: Oh, I've got the fever. Remember we've endured a solid decade of the Jake Delhomme/Jimmy Clausen experience down here, so any QB play above a C-minus is exhilarating and so far this season has just been unbelievable, even at 1-2. And to steal a joke I saw on Twitter - it's almost like Cam Newton already has experience getting paid to play football.