PROGRAM: [Crossword Solver]
PROGRAM: [Adobe Acrobat]
PROGRAM: [Across Lite]
Had a conversation with my man Ben Tausig recently wherein we compared notes about being rock star crossword puzzle-writing first-time dads. His son Julius is about four weeks old, while Tabitha just entered the double-digit months. Most of the stories were the same, only the names were different. Exhaustion? Check. New outlook on our work? Yeppers. Diaper stories? You know it. Philosophical conversations about why are we here and what's our role in the whole universal tapestry (a.k.a. "the religion discussion")? Indeed. We were both surprised (or maybe not, we're both music nerds) to find out that the other one had also played John Coltrane's extremely spiritual record "A Love Supreme" for our kids. Ben had mentioned that he wanted to make a puzzle about that record and tie in something else involving existentialism, I wasn't quite following the conversation after a while (maybe it was the exhaustion kicking in). I don't even think Ben understood what he was saying. But, it did get me thinking along that religious route. And voilà, we have the crossword above.
Announcement: the drive for the bonus 21x puzzle ends on Monday, so if you haven't gotten your copy yet, hit it or quit it.
Also, if you're into crpytics, this block cryptic by Jeffrey Harris was outstanding.
Share the puzzle. New one on Monday.