PROGRAM: [Crossword Solver]
PROGRAM: [Adobe Acrobat]
PROGRAM: [Across Lite]

Here's another puzzle in the Write What You Know Series. Aren't you glad it wasn't diaper themed?
Oh, you were wondering about the results of last week's contest? Well I'm happy to oblige. Most solvers noticed that there was some tricky dual rebus crossings in the Card Check puzzle. Six pairs, to be specific, all of them were two different playing cards. One card was missing from those pairs and that would be the 5, so there's your answer. Let's review the solution, shall we?

So while the crossword was a bit on the challenging side, the meta was easy. And how. A new record has been set with 226 entries, all but 15 got it correct. The most common wrong answer was 1/5, but alas, there's no 1 in any of my decks of cards. At least in the ones I checked this morning.
Couple contestants warrant a mention. Many people proposed a handful of suitable rebus-like answers that would use the 5. Abigail Braunsdorf of West Lafayette, Indiana, was the first with "Darn, I was hoping for IF I'VE TOLD YOU ONCE." A stellar entry, I might add. Perhaps next time. And finally Neville Fogarty of Lexington, Kentucky, dragged us all into the gutter with this observation: "Props for putting 6 & 9 together."
Our randomly selected winner of my latest book "Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n' Roll Crosswords," is Matt Messinger of Parts Unknown. Congratulations, Matt. UPDATE: In a remarkable show of class, Matt wrote to me and said that he too effed up and submitted FIVE and ONE as his entry, so he wishes to be disqualified. The judges agree and a new winner has been selected. Our new winner is Susan Hoffman of Philadelphia. Congrats, Susan. And thanks to all who entered. Let's do this again soon. For those who didn't win, feel free to pick up your own copy with the link above.
Also, thanks to all who've been able to hit up the tip jar in this June month-long drive. The site shall remain free, but if you like what you've been solving, consider a donation. All who give $10 will receive a never-before published 21x themeless as a way of saying "thank you." And your name will go into the hat for another chance to win the "Sex, Drugs ..." book, too. This'll be the last time I mention this drive until the last day of it (though I will be changing the ad you see to your right this weekend).
Share the puzzle. New one tomorrow.