PROGRAM: [Crossword Solver]
PROGRAM: [Adobe Acrobat]
PROGRAM: [Across Lite]

Is it one big themeless puzzle? Or four mini ones? You decide. Either way, enjoy the extra-chunky corners, will ya? Those 7x4 corners are mighty tricky to make, if I do say so myself. Anyway, I just noticed now that the seed entries for the NW and SE are symmetrically positioned in the grid, but just not in the spots where I typically start themeless grids. Oh, and don't think for a minute that I didn't try to remove the dead center square in this baby. If I pulled that off, there would have been no threes in the grid. But hey, since I'm three-crazy at times, to have only four in a grid with 68 words, I'm calling that a minor miracle.
Speaking of miracles, if there was any doubt as to Patrick Berry's status as a Crossword Jesus, I'd like to bring to your attention his latest free puzzle, Teleportland. It's rare that I give standing ovations after solving a puzzle, but here's one of them. Easily a contender for puzzle of the year.
Share the puzzle. New one on Thursday.