PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]
I've sort of been living in denial that there will be a major hurricane hitting the Eastern seaboard. Literally, total news blackout. I don't want to hear any of it. And since it's out of my sight, it's out of my mind. Liz was in the same boat too, until we finally made the executive decision to, you know, get a couple of things from the grocery store. "Essentials." Note the quotes, because what I ended up purchasing were things I hardly every buy: bottled water, paper towels, batteries, Chef Boyardee. You get the picture. Still, I love the picked-over shelves of a grocery store the day before a storm, especially in the bread and milk sections. How many loaves and/or gallons are people purchasing to prepare for Sandy? I can't imagine they'll get through all of those comestibles. But what do I know?
Anyway, call me skeptical about all this hurricane planning, because it seems like every time The Big One is supposed to hit us, it turns out to be nothing more than a mighty windy/rainy afternoon. Well, we'll see. In the meantime, stay safe out there. Share the puzzle. New one on Thursday.