PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]
What a difference just one letter makes. It wasn't until I was pretty much done with cluing today's puzzle that I'd noticed that there was a [gasp!] pretty egregiously duped answer in the grid. And when you've got a 62 (!) word, wide-open grid on your hand, there's really nothing you can do except grit your teeth and hope nobody notices. These corners are just too damned interconnected to allow for a quick fix. We're talking major revision here. Anyway, a miracle happened. Amy Reynaldo noticed that one measly square could be changed and, ta-da, no dupe. I'd go so far as to say her suggestion even made the grid better. So thanks, Amy!
I shall leave figuring out what square was changed as an exercise to the reader.
Share the puzzle. New one on Thursday.