PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]
There's been a whole slew of fun puzzle projects announced recently that I'm proud to say I've supported, and I felt it's now high-time to share those with you.
First up: Trip Payne will be doing another 12-puzzle meta extravaganza scheduled for the summer. He got the whole thing funded over on Kickstarter in three days, but that doesn't mean he's still not looking for other subscribers. I did last year's extravanganza, if memory serves, in a little more than a day. In fact, I remember I stopped what I was doing just to start doing it once it appeared in my mailbox. In it there were all the hallmark Trip Payne-style puzzles: unique, pop culture driven, tons of variety in not only puzzle type (mostly word games though only one crosswords) but also in difficulty. If you're curious, he's selling that one as well. And hey, did I mention there's some cash at stake here! This one should be fun.
Andrew Ries is also hosting a metacontest over at his website. Unlike Trip's, these are all crosswords (and one variety cryptic!). And even though it's a web-only venture, all the puzzles will be celebrating print media (odd, but, hey, I'll go with it). The contest starts this Sunday, so better get on it now. We got the Patriots/Texans that day, so I'm not sure what state I'll be in when the puzzles come, but I'm looking forward to it, anyway. Buy a book of his while you're at it, will ya?
Share the puzzle. New one on Monday.