PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]
Seems like now's as good a time as any to announce that I'm writing a book of Marching Bands puzzles. I'm closing in on the halfway mark, and let me tell you this one's going to be a lot of fun. Basically they're all themeless puzzles wherein I try and cram as much eye-popping stuff in there as humanly possible. It's especially fun when I can get a long band answer that turns two corners, so that means the checking goes in three directions: overlapping at the top, normal crossword checking when it goes down, then in reverse along the bottom. If you enjoy this book 1/8th as much as I'm enjoying making it, it's going to be a winner. If you'd like to do some old Marching Bands, here's four of them. Oh, did I mention the puzzles in this book will be a smidge smaller? I guess I didn't. They'll look more like this one.
Anyway, I've been having so much fun with these that I'm having a little difficulty finding new seed entries for the Monday puzzles, but I think you'll see that this one packs a punch.
Share the puzzle. New one on Thursday.