PROGRAM: [Adobe Reader]
SOLUTION: [click here]
Thought I'd change it up with a little crossword variant that I believe that the Puzzlemaster himself ole' Dubya Ess invented. Or if he didn't, he certainly popularized it in Games magazine back in the day. If you liked this one, take note I've made a few of these before.
For those who were looking for a crossword puzzle, may I direct you to the recently released Twenty Under 30? Ben Tausig commissioned/edited this wonderful collection of puzzles by some of the best up and coming whippersnappers in the field, all under the age of 30. There's scene veterans like Natan Last, Tyler Hinman, Zoe Wheeler, Ian Livengood and Caleb Madison, plus some fresh new talent in there as well. I'd like to take a moment to give the golf clap to Evan Birnholz and his inspired wished-I'd-thought-of-that theme. Anyway, the pack is a measly $5 and worth every penny. Two samples are on the page. One of them is a Peter Wentz themeless which is a joy to solve.
Share the puzzle. New one on Monday.