PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]

Would this happen every time I write a crossword. Literally the very last clue I wrote for today's puzzle gave me an idea for a future crossword. If you think that would be the clue at 61-Down, then you would be mistaken. Dirty little secret: I start the cluing process at 1-Across and work my way through the clues, always skipping over answers that I'm either stumped how to clue, or convinced there's a fun way to do it but that fun way isn't presenting itself. When I get to the Downs, I start at the last one and work my way up, following the same skip rules I employ for the Acrosses. Why do I do it this way? I don't know. It's just the latest way I've been tackling the cluing. Just trying to keep the process fresh, you know. Perhaps I will attempt to do them alphabetically at some point. And then in reverse alphabetical order. Maybe all the 3s first, then the 4s, etc. Who knows? The methods are probably limitless.
Anyway, feel free to leave your guess what clue triggered the theme. And/or what you think that theme might be. Best ideas that are wrong will be pilfered.
Share the puzzle. New one on Monday.