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The 600th puzzle on, two days after the 100th birthday of the crossword and two days before Christmas. Don'tcha just love it when all those things line up like that? You'd think I almost planned it that way. Since we're all in the spirit of the holidays, remember to tip yr. constructor ($10 suggested donation) and I'll hook you up with two brand new Sunday puzzles (one themed and one themeless) for you to enjoy in between glasses of celebratory eggnog.
So this one's a straight up themeless, but if you're curious, the seeds for the crossword came from an unrealized theme. (ROT13'd): Vs lbh unqa'g abgvprq ol abj, nyy bs gur gurzrq chmmyrf guvf zbagu jrer ng yrnfg fbzrjung gvrq va jvgu Puevfgznf. Jryy, bar bs gur erwrpgrq gurzrf sbe guvf zbagu jnf tbvat gb or pnyyrq "Tvsg Jenccrq," jurerva pregnva pynffvp tvsgf jrer "uvqqra" va bgurejvfr abaqrfpevcg gurzr nafjref. Gur "jenccrq" cneg bs gur gurzr zrnag gung gur "tvsg" jbhyq fgneg ng gur raq bs gur ragel naq jenc nebhaq gb gur sebag. Sbe rknzcyr: ZRFUHTTN unf TNZR fgnegvat ng gur onpx naq jenccvat nebhaq gb gur sebag. RY ZVFGV unf n GVR fgnegvat ng gur onpx naq jenccvat nebhaq gb gur sebag. V riraghnyyl qrpvqrq guvf gurzr jnf fb inthr gung rira jvgu gur gvgyr vg jbhyqa'g znxr zhpu frafr. Fb, V fpenccrq vg. Ubjrire, V qvq yvxr gur vqrn bs n uvqqra jbeq jenccvat nebhaq gb gur fgneg bs gur ragel. Fb, jvgu gung va zvaq, lbh'yy abgvpr gung GUNG'F N OVT VS unf gur jbeq TVSG fgnegvat va gur onpx naq jenccvat nebhaq gb gur sebag. Naq junqqln xabj, TVSG JENCCRQ vf va gur flzzrgevpny fcbg va gur tevq.
My brain is a scary place, sometimes.
Share the puzzle. New one on Thursday.