PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]
BEQ and a emu? You bet. Yesterday, we went to the zoo and well I couldn't snap any pictures of me with any of my favorite animals (the anteater wouldn't stand still, the kangaroos were sleeping, and there were no coatis to speak of), I was able to snap this one with the good ole' crosswordese bird. Speaking of, if you like selfies of people with crosswordese answers, why don't you follow Crosswordese Selfies on Twitter? Should be kind of fun.
You know what also should be kind of fun? How about the BuzzFeed crossword? It launches today, and for those keeping score Neville Fogarty is the anwer to the trivia question: "Who made the first BuzzFeed crossword?" Scroll down to the bottom and you've got a couple two three options for your solving experience (puz, pdf, etc). And hey, it's running five days a week. Looking forward to solving these.
Share the puzzle. New one on Thursday.