PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]
Two-fer today. Who's up for the latest BuzzFeed puzzle by yours truly? Sure you are. Double double your refreshment.
Paleofuturists out there might enjoy this article about primordial computer-assisted crossword construction. This is the sort of article that would have fascinated me as a kid. I remember getting computer magazines that ran code alongside articles explaining th program. Of course, I couldn't have cared less about the articles, I just wanted to input the code to get the rudimentary game. So yeah, if that sounds like you and your childhood, reminisce along with me to the past neither of us experienced.
REMINDER Drive is still in effect. Thanks again to everybody who has chipped in so far. The site remains free forever, but if you can give a $10 tip to keep the site chuging along, I'll hook you up with some bonus puzzles (two Sundays and a couple Helter Skelters). Chip in a bit more and I'll sign you up for Marching Bands or Diagrmaless ($15 more for one, $25 more for both). Read the appeal here.
Share the puzzles. New one on Monday.