PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]
Gotta love TWitter. Saw the above headline last week and couldn't help but feel like I've had that dream before. Good times.
Thanks to everybody who was able to chip in to the year-end drive. If for some reason you haven't received the bonus puzzles or perhaps you've lost them to the Spam filter, or for that matter, you've yet to recieve the Marching Bands or Diagramless catch-up files, email me and I'll fix that right away.
Why don't you start off '16 right and sign up for a bunch of other puzzles this year?
The best indie puzzle out there is debatably the AV club. 52 weekly puzzles sent out on Wednesdays plus the odd variety puzzles thrown in for well, variety. Constructors include yours truly, Francis Heaney, Byron Walden, Erik Agard, and Aimee Lucido among others. Ably led by Ben Tausig.
The other best in the indie department is arguably either Fireball or Matt Gaffney's Weekly Crossword Contest. Fireball is either weekly top-notch themeless puzzles by Peter Gordon, or cracking-good themes by Peter or a host of world-class constructors. And Matt, he needs no introduction. His metapuzzles are the leading psychedelic solves out there today.
Those interested in easier but no-less elegant puzzle should look toward Liz Gorski's gorgeous Crossword Nation puzzles. While you're there, take a peek at La Liz's calligraphy. And for those looking larger (read: Sunday-sized) fare, why not sign up for Crooked Crosswords. Weekly 21x21s by Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon, and announcing today, yours truly in the place of Henry Hook.
And finally, if crosswords aren't enough, and you like variety puzzles, I can't think of two better sites to subscribe to than Joon Pahk's Outside the Box burgeoning variety empire, and Andrew Ries's weekly Rows Gardens.
Sign up for some puzzles today. New one on Thursday.
P.S.: Who's up for my latest New York Times Marching Bands?