PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]
Just so we're clear, this puzzle originally ran in last year's charity pack Grids For Good. So if you had already did it, well, that's why it looks familiar. If you didn't get the pack last year, please click here and chip in a couple bucks, will ya? Tell 'em Brendan sent ya.
While we're talking links, I have two more things to promote here. First up, a brand-spanking new weekly American (read: approachable) cryptic has risen. So that right there means '21 is already onto a cracking start. Yeah, so The Browser is going to be sending out some cryptics on Saturdays. Good people behind them too: Zawistowski, Nediger, Ries, Cardin, Pasco, and a couple others whose work I don't know very well, yet. But surely will sing their praises in due time. Anyway, get in on the fun today.
Also worth mentioning that the Boswords Winter Wondersolve is fast approaching. January 31! Another online tournament! You thought we were done with those in 2020? You thought wrong! Anyway, this go around will have a puzzle by yours truly in it. Which means a couple things. One, you'd better sign up now. And two, I'd better come up with a puzzle otherwise Boswords is gonna get hit with charges of false advertising. Anyway, click the link. You'll like it.
Looking for more puzzles? The Hub Crossword (Sunday puzzles by me and Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon) and Marching Bands year six have begun. So if that To Do list needs even more puzzles, you know what to do.
Share the puzzle. New one on Thursday.