PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]
Since you can never have enough puzzles, I wanted to mention yet another one by your favorite constructor to put on the pile. Yours truly had a cryptic run in The Browser, and they've been kind enough to let me share it with you here: [ACROSS LITE][PDF]. As if you didn't need any more reason to do it, classical music critic for the San Francisco Chronicle by day/cryptic god by night Joshua Kosman said one of those clues was Hall of Fame-worthy. I would retire normally after hearing praise such as that, but you know, Tabitha needs braces.
If you care to subscribe to the Broswer, kindly click here.
Looking for more puzzles? The Hub Crossword (Sunday puzzles by me and Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon) and Marching Bands year seven have begun. So if that To Do list needs even more puzzles, you know what to do.
Share the puzzle. New one on Thursday.