PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]
For those of you whose eyebrows arched higher than the one in St. Louis after seeing me link to a rather obscure emo band with today's post, I get it. I have never been a fan of that genre. I do, however, make a big goofy-grinned exception when it happens to be made up entirely of tight bros from way back when. Yeah, these guys were in my gang, and as such, I was a regular at the Boston shows, and a few others around the way (namely once in Minneapolis and another time in London). There was a joke that they sounded like a "heavy, heavy, evil Kansas," but I never heard it. Anyway, enjoy it, or not. But do enjoy the puzzle.
Looking for more puzzles? The Hub Crossword (Sunday puzzles by me and Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon, and soon Joon) and Marching Bands year seven have begun. So if that To Do list needs even more puzzles, you know what to do.
Share the puzzle. New one on tomorrow.