PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]
December is upon us. I think I say this every year, but these twelve months really flew by, didn't they? We had some good puzzles, didn't we? At least I think we did. Besides, if you hated anything, I know I woulda been bombed with emails and angry people with pitchforks. And thankfully that didn't happen. Anyway, the puzzles never stop. They keep on chugging along. Get to it, solvers
Like we always do around this time, I ask you kindly if you've been enjoying the crosswords lately, please consider a modest tip to help the site chug along. Only if you can, mind you. The puzzles on this site are free, always will be free, no subscriptions, and no questions asked. But, like I said, if possible, a modest, suggested tip of $15 goes a long way. site chugging along. Everyone who tips gets two bonus 21xs, a themed and a themeless, as a thank you. PayPal or Venmo (@TheBEQ) preferred. But I take everything, just email me.
But again, and this is crucial, you're under no obligation to chip in. Absolutely 100% not. Feel free to ignore these pleas until they stop. I'm going to be posting these puzzles like clockwork with or without your support. Why? Two reasons. I'm crazy. And I'm qualified to do nothing else with my life. So, there you have it. A neverending supply of puzzles from your favorite constructor who goes by three initials. GUILT FREE. Well, correction. It will eventually stop. I am going to die at some point. But until then... Can't stop, won't stop.
But to repeat, if you're financially able, a tip does help. One randomly selected donor will receive a puzzle book of their choice. Drive ends on 12/29. Thank you all ahead of time.
Looking for Christmas gift ideas? I've got you covered, fam. Does that special someone in your life want a customized crossword? Email me.
Looking for more puzzles? The Hub Crossword (Sunday puzzles by me and Joon Pahk) and Marching Bands year eight has begun. So if that To Do list needs even more puzzles, you know what to do.
Share the puzzle. New one on Monday.