PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]
I always love seeing puzzles whose theme is represented as somehow artistically. Liz Gorski has done this a lot. I'd probably make more puzzles like that if I had an artistic bone in my body. I used to have some, but those disappeared into the ether. Now I'd be hard pressed to draw a stick figure. Moral is: use it or lose it. Anyway, visual theme today. Those always mean "triple checked" puzzles which is nobody's idea of a fun puzzle to make. But hopefully it's a fun puzzle to solve. Enjoy!
Looking for more puzzles? The Hub Crossword (Sunday puzzles by me and Joon Pahk) and Marching Bands year eight has begun. So if that To Do list needs even more puzzles, you know what to do.
Share the puzzle. New one on Monday.