PROGRAMS: [Adobe Reader] [Crossword Solver]

Hard to believe, but, your boy BEQ has been doing the Marching Bands thing for two whole presidential terms now. Year 9 starts up this coming Monday. Ye gods! Guess I'm doing this for at least as long as FDR was president. Watch this space. Anyway, Themeless Mondays fans, if you're not already a superfan, you might like these puzzles as well. No Across Lite, just a JPZ or a PDF. If you need a place to do JPZ, may I recommend this site?
As a refresher, here are the instructions for this variety puzzle:
In this themeless variant, answers appear in two different directions, Rows and Bands. Each Row has two answers side by side with no black square separating them (except for row 7). And Each band starts at the lettered square and goes around the grid clockwise, one answer after another all the way around the circle. Every square appears in two answers.
Didja get it? All right then, dig in. All interested parties wishing to sign up for this feature, YEAR NINE starts up on April 24th! $15 gets you a year of these puzzles (PayPal or Venmo (@TheBEQ) preferred). Hell, if you've got time on your hands, and you want all of the previous years, bump it up to $50 for the entire batch. That would be a total of 211 puzzles (there were a couple of bonuses in there). Man oh man, that's a lot of puzzles. It's your call.
Share the puzzle. New one on Thursday.