PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]
I can't remember who told me this, but I'm going to say it was Merl Reagle. If it wasn't, I'm sorry to whoever it really was. Either way, it's nice to think of Merl again. Anyway, Merl told me that you should lay out your theme answers as if you were doing a stand-up routine. Hit the solver with a winner at the top of the grid, pepper the good ones along the way, maybe place the less-than-spectacular one at the second-to-last entry, and then end with your best material. Great advice, if you can pull it off. That, unfortunately, wasn't the case with this one. Symmetry rules wouldn't let me. But still, I hope you enjoy it. And who knows? Maybe the last one is the one that lands the best with you.
Looking for more puzzles? The Hub Crossword (Sunday puzzles by me and Joon Pahk) and Marching Bands year eight has begun. So if that To Do list needs even more puzzles, you know what to do.
Share the puzzle. New one on Monday.