PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]
Last Themeless Monday of 2024. Hope we're ending with a bang.
This is the last time I'll bug you about the BEQ end of the year drive is still chugging along. The puzzles on this site are free, however, if you've been enjoying them, a small tip helps keep the heat on in the house. Suggest donation of $20, please and thank you, through PayPal or Venmo preferred, but there's always Zelle, checks, hell I'll take crypto. Get in touch. One randomly selected donor will get a book of mine. Long form appeal can be read here.
Reminder #2: Marching Bands year TEN still chugs along! You should sign up today if you haven't already! Click the above link for a sample puzzle and how to sign up.
There's also The Hub Crossword (Sunday puzzles by me and Joon Pahk) if you still need more content.
Share the puzzle. New one on Thursday.