PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]
There's a nice new puzzle feature from my man Andrew Ries, a rather accomplished indie puzzle maker outta Arizona. Anyway, he's offering a batch of rather crunchy anagram-heavy crosswords called Section Eights. Basically, fill all in the answers in a row, remove eight letters from that string of characters and anagram the remaining bits to form new words. Rinse and repeat. I call them crunchy because even the so-called easy versions (ha!) of these puzzles take a while to do. Click here to check out two samples (more free puzzles), then throw him a couple more beans for the whole enchilada. Tell 'im Brendan sent ya.
Reminder: Marching Bands year TEN is chugging along! You should sign up today if you haven't already! Click the above link for a sample puzzle and how to sign up.
There's also The Hub Crossword (Sunday puzzles by me and Joon Pahk) if you still need more content.
Share the puzzle. New one on Monday.